How to Cook Bacon in Toaster Oven in 6 Simple Steps? Bacon’s ubiquitous presence at breakfast buffets can be attributed to its signature crispiness and salty flavor. Cooking bacon in a toaster oven is a time-saving, hassle-free, and equally tasty alternative to frying or baking.

The toaster oven changes the game since it allows for speedy, easy, and mess-free bacon preparation. Following the six simple procedures outlined in this post will result in properly cooked, crispy bacon every time.

How to Cook Bacon in Toaster Oven in 6 Simple Steps

Step 1: Gather Your Ingredients and Tools

Make sure you have everything you need on hand before you start frying bacon. The items you’ll require are outlined below.


  1. Bacon strips (as many as you desire)
  2. Aluminum foil (optional)
  3. Paper towels (optional)


  1. Toaster oven
  2. Baking sheet or oven-safe dish
  3. Tongs or a fork
  4. Oven mitts or heat-resistant gloves
  5. Timer

Make sure your toaster oven is clean and in good working condition for best results.

Step 2: Preheat Your Toaster Oven

Preheating the toaster oven is a must before using it. Toaster oven preheating takes about 5-10 minutes at 400F (200C). When the oven is preheated, the bacon starts frying as soon as it is placed inside, resulting in more uniform cooking and a more consistent taste.

Step 3: Prepare Your Bacon

There are a variety of ways to prepare bacon, so you may choose one that suits your preferences and dietary needs. Baking sheets and other oven-safe dishes can be lined with aluminum foil to make cleanup easier. Paper towels can be placed on top of the foil to absorb some of the bacon fat as it cooks if you’re concerned about the grease level.

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Next, arrange the bacon strips in a single layer on the foil or baking sheet. It’s fine to have the bacon slightly overlap, but don’t make a mountain out of it. If you overlap the bacon pieces, they will cook more evenly and won’t curl up as much.

Step 4: Cooking Time

How long it takes to cook depends on the power of your toaster oven and the thickness of your bacon. As a general rule of thumb, below is a rundown of estimated cooking times:

  • Thick Cut Bacon: 12-15 minutes
  • Regular Cut Bacon: 10-12 minutes
  • Thin Cut Bacon: 8-10 minutes

Of course, these are only rough estimates, and the best way to tell when the bacon is done is to keep an eye on it while it cooks. Set a timer for the suggested amount of time and keep an eye on the bacon. Source:

Step 5: Monitor and Flip

As it cooks, bacon will make a crackling sound and render some of its fat. This is inevitable and necessary for the bacon to get its signature crispness. Flip the bacon strips with tongs or a fork after 5 minutes. To get evenly crisp bacon on all sides, flip the strips over halfway through cooking.

While the bacon is cooking, keep a close eye on it. Depending on the thickness of the bacon and your toaster oven, you may need to modify the cooking time. When the bacon reaches the desired crispness in the toaster oven, remove it. If you like your bacon crispier, you may leave it in for a minute or two longer, but be careful not to overcook it.

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Step 6: Remove and Drain

After the bacon has attained the required crispiness, carefully remove it from the toaster oven using tongs or a fork. Place the bacon on a plate lined with paper towels. If your bacon tends to get excessively oily during cooking, use this to sponge up some of the grease.

Wait a minute or two for the bacon to drain. Once that’s done, it’s ready to be served and consumed.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Toaster Oven Bacon

While frying bacon in a toaster oven may appear straightforward, there are a few tricks that might improve the outcome:

1. Use a wire rack: To begin, place a wire rack in the bottom of the pan or dish you’ll be using to cook the bacon. This will allow the fat to drain off the bacon as it cooks. As a result, the bacon develops a pleasing crunch and loses some of its grease.

2. Watch the time: Second, watch the time carefully; bacon may go from crispy to burnt in a heartbeat. For this reason, you should monitor the toaster oven as the bacon cooks.

3. Experiment with flavors: Experiment with different seasonings by dusting your bacon with black pepper, brown sugar, or paprika before frying.

4. Save the bacon fat: Bacon grease is delicious and should not be wasted if it collects on foil or in the pan. Don’t throw it out; it may be used to cook eggs and make a flavorful broth base for soups and stews.

5. Clean your toaster oven: Remove grease accumulation from your toaster oven as soon as possible after frying bacon to reduce the risk of a fire.

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6. Be cautious with the toaster oven broiler: Use caution if your toaster oven has a broiler setting; it may cook bacon quickly but with varying outcomes. Use the bake or toast setting to guarantee uniform results every time. Also read :- Can You Put Tin Foil in a Toaster Oven?


To sum up, a toaster oven eliminates the mess and inconvenience of frying bacon on the stovetop while producing the same delicious results. If you follow the simple steps outlined in this article and keep the suggestions in mind, you can have perfect bacon for breakfast or brunch. Excellent handmade bacon may be cooked quickly in a toaster oven. I hope you like reading “How to Cook Bacon in Toaster Oven in 6 Simple Steps?”

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